The Story of Us
I am a big believer in the importance of storytelling. When I look at my stacks and shelves of books, each one of them is rooted in story. The story told could be of history, biography, geography, how-to, spirituality, or many other categories. Regardless of topic, each teaches something specific based on story.
Story is lived experience, life, and community. We each have our own story. It is important that we tell it. Our ancestors shared their stories of traditions, people, places, events. Without storytelling throughout time, we would not have knowledge of who came before us. Storytelling is connection to life. Story is the way to connect past, present, and future. Passing that story on is the important piece.
Think of the way sharing stories has brought people together. How could storytelling help with your grief journey? Shared lived experience joins community and brings comfort. This is the healing power of group support gatherings. Whether your stories are written down or shared verbally, each person is provided the space to tell their story. It is important to share your story, whether that be your life story or your grief story. Share it and find healing alongside those who relate with what you share. Folks need to hear your story, in hopes that they too can tell theirs. Its a shared journey, not identical but shared.
Using storytelling when your pet companion dies, can be very meaningful. Share the beautiful life you had together. Tell us who they were and what was unique about them. Shared experiences of other pet parents will bring about a connection. It is a way to honor your pet’s memory and also provides a way to continue living life with their memory. Your story is an example of love and companionship. Think of unique and creative ways to tell your story, it doesn't have to be written down. You can share your lived experience through art, a poem, music, a video, or any other way that helps express what you have to share.
If you would like assistance in creating and sharing your story, please contact me at